Thursday, January 12, 2012

All questions about me

Major:  AYA Math                      

  1. I want my friends to describe me as:  the one guy that always brightens their day                                                                    
  2. Memorable learning experience: too many to choose
  3. My favorite subject at school and why:  math because im very good at it  
  4. Accomplishment I most cherish:  my fantasy football champion trophy
  5. My work habits can best be described as: diligent                                                                                                                       
  6. Three words that describe me best:  huge sports fanatic
  7. People may be surprised to know: I dont play video games                                                                                                                    
  8. What I hope to be doing in ten years: being a lawyer
  9. What I do in my spare time:  lift weights                                                                     
  10. Things I can do without:  video games                           
  11. My all-time favorite movie:  Shawshank Redemption                                                                                                                                                            
  12. BG’s best kept secret: If it is a secret I wouldn't know about it!                                              
  13. Three things always found in my refrigerator:  string cheese, bologna, milk              
  14. Person I would like to meet: Clayton Kershaw

  1. What are your general expectations about this class? To live and learn
  2. How comfortable are you using Windows? How comfortable are you using Macs? OK
  3. Which application(s) do you use the most? Internet
  4. Which application(s) do you want to learn how to use?  Excel
  5. Is there anything I need to know about you? My name is BRENT NOT BRETT!!!
  6. What is your attitude about using technology? So so because it is constantly changing

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