Thursday, March 1, 2012

Chapter 6 Response
        Based on the information presented in Chapter 6, I would prefer to teach in a classroom that had more digital technologies.  Computers have totally changed the world.  Since the working world has gone to a technology based society, it would only make sense that young students learn with and get accustomed to new technologies.  Also, these digital technology devices are making it easier for teachers to perform their lessons (Lever-Duffy 159).  For example, schools are using more wireless technologies to eliminate the hard wire connections necessary in the wired classrooms (Lever-Duffy 159).  The chapter as a whole talked about how a variety of digital techologies better the education process and didn't mention many negative aspects of this.  The only negative that was consistently brought up was the cost of these technologies.  That is why I would prefer to teach in a classroom that had more digital technologies based on the information in Chapter 6.

Chapter 11 Response
        The traditional audio technology I could use in a classroom would be the audiocassette.  I would use this device if my class was supposed to read a very long passage.  It would be easy for the students to follow along in their books.  The emerging audio technology I could use in a classroom would be the talking book.  This would allow students to read books individually and learn at their own pace.  The traditional visual technology I could use in the classroom would be the overhead projector.  These devices are handy because they are inexpensive and durable (Lever-Duffy 297).  I would use the overhead projector by having the students copy down a lot of notes that I've written.  The emerging visual technology I could use in the classroom would be the digital projector.  I could use this in a classroom by showing good digital images about what we are learning about in class.  These images would give the students probably a better perspective of the topic.  Those are the ways I would use these 4 technologies.            

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